Saturday, October 09, 2004

Indian stock market news & views

A list of my favourite sites for Indian Stock Market: (Wish I knew this one before !!! Site's a lot slow to load but analysis is good.)

Business Line: More accuracy with respect to stock. (I purchase this now)
Economic times: More accuracy with respect to market scenario. (I used to purchase this)

Business World: Good news on market scenarios with study.
Business Today: Not all the books are good, but some are.
The week: Political scenario and other musings.
Outlook: Good on occasions.

Advice to beginners: Do not trade in futures without good market knowledge. (Don't trust the broker!!! He probably know only 1 % more than you). However, if you a planing to invest 50 Cr...go ahead, you have total control anyway. The big ones control the market, we are just wee tiny ones. So watch out and rely on your instinct and good advice if your instinct is bad. :) Confusing you, am I not !!!

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